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Seruni Bodjawati Awarded as Inspirational Woman to Other, La Femme Awards 2012, Leo Club Monas Jakarta (Lions Clubs International)

Seruni Bodjawati - Awarded Women 2012 "La Femme" as Inspirational Women to Other by Leo Club Monas (Lions Club International Organization), Grand Kemang Hotel Jakarta, Dec 14 2012
The Republic of Indonesia has been through various changes and progress. The success that this Country has achieved is inseparable with the significant role of the Indonesian women itself. The roles that these women possess cannot be underestimated for it has done many good wills to the Country. One for instance is the participation of these women at determining the history of the Nation when it was struggling at hard times, which is one of the efforts these women gave to help bringing Indonesia forward to a brighter future.

“La Femme -The Power of Women” was an event that was presented specially by Leo Club Monas and sponsored by Lions Clubs and comprise an official program of the Lions Clubs International. This event was a tribute for the 22 chosen Indonesian Women, who has helped the society, and has achieved many achievements. The event was held in Grand Kemang Hotel Jakarta on December 14 2012. There were famous Indonesian designers such as Carmanita, Ghea Panggabean, Rave by Vera Abi, and Priyo Oktaviano contributing by lending their designer pieces that were shown on the fashion show, and were also auctioned in which the profit would be donated to Yayasan Mata Hati Bunda.

Seruni Bodjawati and Miss Indonesia 2008 & Ambassador for Orangutans: Zivanna Letisha
On the La Femme Awards 2012, Indonesian Contemporary Painting Artist Seruni Bodjawati was awarded as Inspirational Woman to Other, along with Melanie Subono (Rock Singer, Presenter & Activist), Merry Riana (Young Millionaire, Successful Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author & Motivational Speaker), Zivanna Letisha (Ambassador for Orangutans, Puteri Indonesia 2008 & News Presenter), Adindara Setyohadi (Architecture Interior Designer & Muri Awarded for Y&D Porcelain Painting), Alanda Kariza (Cosmogirl! Of The Year 2006, Writer & Activist), Alexandra Asmasoebrata (Formula One Racer), Anita Feng (Brand Management & Marketing Communication Marketing Manager Consumer & Graphologist), Arimbi Nimpuno (Chef & Writer), Citra Natasya (Cosmogirl! Of The Year 2005, Model & Activist), Deborah Dewi (Graphologist), Ghea Panggabean (Local Designer), Gianti Giadi (Teacher, Choreographer & Professional Dancer), Indah Suryadharma (Head of PPP women & Head of Majelis Ta’lim Wardhatu Ummat), Nina Nikicio (Local Designer), Pradita Astarina (Associate Director in The Office of Indonesia’s President), Renita Sari (Program Director of Bakti Budaya in Djarum Foundation), Tri Mumpuni (Executive Director of The Institute of Business and Economic Democracy & Power Microhydro maker), Yessy Gusman (Movie Star & Owner of Yayasan Bunda Yessy), and Yessy Sutiyoso.

Seruni Bodjawati and Indonesian Rock Singer & Activist: Melanie Subono

Seruni Bodjawati was the youngest winner among the awarded women and the only winner in the field of Fine Arts. She has also received various national and international awards. In 2012, she was awarded as The Most Inspiring Woman in Art and Culture by Kartini Magazine Indonesia and Indonesian First Lady, Ani Yudhoyono. She also received Honorary Award from Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia. In 2011 she was elected as one of Indonesian Young Heroes by Aplaus The Lifestyle Indonesia for her achievements in international art scenes and awarded as The Most Successful International Visual Artist Under 20 by La Société des Artistes Contemporains Marseille, France. Indonesian Institute of Arts in Yogyakarta was also granted an award for her acrylic painting as The Best Painting Artwork Dies Natalis in 2011, the same award she previously achieved last two years along with The Best Watercolor Painting and The Best Sketch. She has been participating in group exhibitions & art projects in some countries such as in Indonesia, Japan, India, Korea, Philippine, New Zealand, Hungary, England, Romania, France, Spain, Germany, Australia, and US. Seruni Bodjawati who started painting since the age of 10 months has been spreading her ideology of feminism and Indonesian cultures through her paintings at many international art events. 

Knowing that women are one of the pillars of the Nation and are destined to become a successor, hopefully La Femme event will help escalate Indonesia in many ways by rekindling the spirit of nationalism to the society, both women and men from any cultural, race and ethnicity background. 

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